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Guddiga La-talinta HIV-ga ee Maine ayaa loo aasaasay inay talo ka siiyaan Guddoomiyaha, hay'adaha federaalka iyo kuwa gaarka loo leeyahay, saraakiisha iyo guddiyada, si ay u bixiyaan qiimeyn sanadle ah oo ku saabsan baahiyaha soo kordhaya ee bulshada uu ku dhacay HIV, iyo ka warbixinta xaaladda HIV ee gobolka. Guddigu wuxuu kakooban yahay u doodayaal, bulshada iyo bixiyeyaasha caafimaadka, wakiilo ka socda gobolka, iyo xubno ka tirsan bulshada uu ku dhacay cudurka HIV.

Codka jamhuuriyadda soomaaliya

Guddiyada Wadajirka: Kent Wotton iyo Stash Bayley

Codka jamhuuriyadda soomaaliya

Guddiga Joogtada ah ee Wadajirka ah ee Adeegyada Caafimaadka iyo Aadanaha

Codka jamhuuriyadda soomaaliya

Warbixinta HIVAC 2019

Peabody House opening resized.jpeg

Maine’s HIV/AIDS Advisory Committee (HIVAC) is commissioned under Maine statute Title 5 §19202.  HIVAC’s membership consists of a diverse range of experience within the landscape of HIV/AIDS in Maine and strives to be representative of the community for which it serves. Currently, the Committee includes HIV-positive individuals, medical providers, social service community-based organizations, as well as members of the Maine Legislature, Maine’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Department of Corrections, The Office of MaineCare Services, and Department of Education.

2019 HIVAC Report to Maine’s Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services

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